

I’m David. I like to take pictures of things - particularly birds.

I’ve always wanted to get really good at taking and editing pictures. I’ve also wanted to keep a photo journal, so this page is my attempt at both of those.

I used to take pictures often - and I never shared them. Then, I got a little older, and started to share a select few. I shared those pictures on Instagram every now and again. Just one or two shots I thought were worthy. But I never really said anything about them. Hell, I hardly share anything online longer than a couple of sentences.

But recently I found myself really wanting to talk about the pictures I take, and wanting to share my thoughts, too. I wanted to share good pictures, bad pictures, experimental pictures. I wanted to learn and grow without feeling like anything I did or said wasn’t good enough. I wanted to get better, and to force myself to stop deleting things I don’t like.

Maybe it’s a sign of maturity. A desire to change that part of me that is so scared of what people think of me. A desire to put in the effort to grow and then to have the courage to put it out there. I want to see that growth. I want to come back in 10 years and look at my oldest pictures and see where I was, and compare that to where I am then. I hope that while working on getting better at writing or taking pictures, I become a little more confident in myself.

I don’t want to solicit feedback, but if you want to look and read, please do. If you want to share what you think, please do. I’d be happy to hear what you think. You can find links to my Instagram, GitHub, and email address on the navbar.

See ya.

- D.